28 juillet 2008

Of remembering password after vacation

As IT expert you have a backup of your data, you have checked all systems with last security patches and upddated your antivirus program. You have stopped all modifications on application and or system since a week or two...

Did you save a list of your daily used passwords and keys ?

You may have given some of admin passwords to the team in charge of the support during your vacation. But if not ?

I already see comments like 'no, never write down any password, never !" I did not ask you to create an spreadsheet with all your password, and leave it under your keyboard (I saw that today from a supposed high lebel user ) But keep the paper version at home for example then delete the file.

My better choice : I've only one to remind the database key one of my keepass programm ! I've writen it inside my mobile phone contacts. I can now go on vacation ! I have a backup of this database file on my computer @ home... without keepass installed on it.

PS : another good tip for your users : ask them to change their passwords once back from vacation, not just before going to sea side for three weeks !!!...

What is your paswword policy , to keeep them in mind during vacation ?

16 juillet 2008

Of the 'Google excuse" for intrusive calls

Today, I've been called by an IT company for a job opportunity. The woman said they found me by entering 'CV' (french word for resume) in Google search engine.

Hey, I am in the Google for my eResume ! Or am I such a gurru to have a good page rank on this eResume. After a quick double check on my own computer, I saw she was obviously lying. This has been confirmed as soon as she mentionned my last job in 2003 !

Today Google is intrusive, we all know it. However is it starting to be an excuse for people with no answer to a basic question : how do you know me ? Ok, google is an entry point for most of Internet search today, but think please, think by yourself : how a french IT could be better known , or better noted that all the companies who are paying Google because they're sailing books about career search, hiring companies...

Did you already faced the "Google excuse" ?
More important : how do you track your old resume versions left on the web ?

PS : I will of course send here my eResume page